I know I said I was going to post about Declan's Physical Therapy stuff but since his issues began in my belly I thought maybe I should start there first! I definitely wasn't one of those women who enjoyed pregnancy the entire time. Don't get me wrong, it had magical moments and I am so so grateful and blessed to be able to go through pregnancy and have my sweet baby boy.
I just never really felt like I had any sort of glow, in fact, just saying that makes me laugh because most days I looked like a hot mess. Side note: get maternity pictures taken because if you are anything like me they are some of the only beautiful pictures I have of myself while pregnant.
I was incredibly sick in the beginning and so grateful that nausea meds cured me of it! I highly recommend trying Diclegis! After that first trimester I feel like it was smooth sailing! I did happen to have an ovarian cyst (which I still need to get removed....I may or may not be avoiding it) but they monitored it the whole time and luckily it never became a problem!

I will admit I had way more stress while pregnant compared to afterwards. A lot of it stemmed from having a previous miscarriage and hearing a lot of stories of babies and umbilical chord accidents, (Tony was born with the umbilical chord wrapped around his neck and he wasn't breathing). So it was heavily on my mind all the time. For some reason not being able to see my baby boy in there gave me strange anxiety. I bought the Up and Raise heartbeat monitor, which you can find here https://upandraise.com, so I could have peace of mind at home and check for a heartbeat whenever I wanted.
Another stress I had was eating, no not stress eating, but stressing about what I was eating. I was constantly worried about making sure I was eating healthy enough. Luckily for me fresh fruit was my main craving. Even pre baby I was never good at eating healthy, or being healthy food conscious. But knowing I was now building this little person gave me so much anxiety. Of course I took my prenatal vitamins and shouldn't have worried too much but sometimes you just can't help it, I blame the pregnancy hormones. But victory for me, I did stop eating Flaming Hot Cheetos, an addiction I've had since 6th grade, and I'm still clean to this day lol.
Overall I came to the conclusion I would much rather take care of my baby outside of me than inside. But I am so grateful for the experience to do so! So for any pregnant mamas out there who are dealing with similar stresses you're definitely not alone! Just have faith that everything is working properly and as much as you can, enjoy your little nugget in there! Looking back it truly is hard to remember what it was all like, I honestly believe its a sick joke played on women that they forget how long and exhausting pregnancy is, and don't get me started on labor! Stay tuned for my post about this little babe coming into the world and the start of his Physical Therapy journey!!
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